What: A day conference focused on Access to Care and Suicide Awareness & Prevention Strategies
When: September 6, 2016 – 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Where: Bishop Henry Whipple Federal Building
- Featuring morning and afternoon keynote speakers, panel discussion(s) and resource tables
- Increase your knowledge around ways to help Veterans and their families access care through VA and community resources.
- Increase your knowledge related to suicide awareness and prevention strategies.
- Questions: Lisa Hoffman-Konn PhD, LP, CPRP 612.467.1838 or Lindy Fortin-Case LICSW 612.467.3620
- Register at: www.eventbrite.com/e/mental-health-summit-how-access-resources-impact-suicide-prevention-tickets-25431663791
This event is Free! CEU’s will be offered